
About Secureuhosting

Your website is fast, secure & always up – so your visitors & search engines trust you.

The Secureuhosting Story

Secureu Hosting was bootstrapped in 2004 and we’ve been on an epic ride ever since. We had a simple idea to let you create a website for FREE. With no-limits PHP, MySQL, cPanel & no ads – complete freedom to express yourself online.

We provide a world class website hosting platform to over 29 million users in 178 countries. 15K new sign-ups on average every day – that’s 1 new client every 5 seconds! We have developed a powerful technology to help you learn, create and grow.

We owe huge thanks to our community for joining us on this thrilling journey, and we hope that you will continue to be a part of our story.

Secureuhosting Overview

Secureu Hosting is built with the goal of becoming a one-stop-shop of Web Presence products for Professionals and SMEs. We partner with a variety of world-famous providers of Web Hosting, Email Hosting, SaaS and security products to offer you the best products to fit your every need.

In addition to providing great choice in products we are also upgrading our interfaces to deliver a highly intutive and efficient experience in adding, managing and transacting with your customers through the Orderbox platform.

Let Us Help You Grow

We never compromise on the pillars of our service

24/7 Expert Support

Have complete peace of mind! Our Ever Ready Support Team is always active, no matter what day of the year.

Knowledge Base

A comprehensive information hub that helps you with anything related to the platform and services.


Your very own smart assistant that keeps you updated with the health insights of your web app and cloud server.

Frequently asked questions

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Questions? Comments?

Whether you need help or just want some tips on where to start: hit up our experts anytime.